Public Health Properties Of Cannabis

Requires any new or renewal application submitted to the OMMP on and after January 1, 2020 that is designating a grower and grow site will need to provide signed informed consent from the owner of the property where the grow site will be located if the patient or designated grower is not the owner of the property.

Senate Bill 1012 2019 session, effective June 4, 2019 Clarifies that a registered grower applying for an OLCC producer license is not required to submit a land use compatibility statement if the applicant was registered with OMMP before January 1, 2015 and is registered with OMMP on the date on which the applicant submitted the application to OLCC. Continuous registration with OMMP is not required.

Senate Bill 29 2019 session, effective June 20, 2019 Removes outdated language that contradicted other sections of the statute. Language removed stated any person that processes marijuana into medical cannabinoid concentrates. Cannabinoid products for the purposes of transferring to a medical marijuana dispensary is subject to tracking. Per statute, only a medical processor may process marijuana into cannabinoid concentrates or products and transfer them to medical dispensaries. Makes several changes to the laws governing medical marijuana such as changes to plant limits. Clarifications on who is required to use the Cannabis Tracking System for registered medical grow sites.

Senate Bill 1057 2017 session, effective May 30, 2017 Makes several changes to the laws governing medical marijuana including requiring the use of the Cannabis Tracking System for certain medical registrants.

Senate Bill 56 2017 session, effective June 23, 2017 Requires OMMP to maintain a telephone hotline to verify addresses of grow sites, processing sites, and dispensaries for persons designated by a city or county, Water Resources Department, or by a watermaster of any water district.

House Bill 2198 2017 Session, effective August 2, 2017 Makes several changes to the laws governing medical marijuana including establishing a Oregon Cannabis Commission within OHA and changes to plant limits.

Senate Bill 1511 2016 session, effective March 29, 2016 Makes several changes to the laws governing medical marijuana.

House Bill 4014 2016 session, effective March 3, 2016 Makes several changes to the laws governing medical marijuana.

Senate Bill 1598 2016 session, effective March 3, 2016 Makes several changes to the laws governing medical marijuana. Establishes task force on researching the medical. Public health properties of cannabis.

Senate Bill 460 2015 session, effective July 27, 2015 Allows medical marijuana dispensaries, beginning October 1, 2015, to sell limited marijuana retail product to adults 21 and older in accordance with certain conditions.

House Bill 3400 2015 session, effective June 30, 2015 Makes several changes to the laws governing medical marijuana.

Senate Bill 1531 2014 session, effective March 19, 2014 Specifies that governing bodies of a city or county may adopt ordinances that impose reasonable regulations on operation of medical marijuana facilities.

House Bill 3460 2013 session, effective August 14, 2013 Directs OHA to establish a registration system for medical marijuana facilities.

Federal Legal Information

The guidance from the U.S. Department of Justice (USDOJ) does not make the use of medical marijuana legal under federal law, and does not create a defense to a federal prosecution for a drug related offense.

On August 29, 2013, the USDOJ announced an update to its federal marijuana enforcement policy in light of recent state ballot initiatives that legalize, under state law, the possession of small amounts of marijuana and provide for the regulation of marijuana production, processing and sale. The guidance makes clear that marijuana remains an illegal drug under the Controlled Substances Act. That federal prosecutors will continue to aggressively enforce this statute. To this end, the Department identifies eight enforcement areas that federal prosecutors should prioritize.


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