Frequently Asked Questions - Medical Marijuana Program Where can I find my temporary registry ID card?

Log into your account, select "Health Applications," and then the "Medical Marijuana Data Management System." Click on the three white lines on the top-left side of the screen. Select the "My Temporary Card" option from the drop-down menu. Select the blue link to open. Print your temporary ID card.

2. What if I don't see a link in the Medical Marijuana Data Management System for my temporary ID card?

If you do not see the link for your temporary registry ID card, please follow the instructions on the screen to check the status of the current registration.

3. Does having a temporary registry ID card limit the amount of product I can purchase?

No, you will still be able to purchase up to a 60-day supply of the medical marijuana product(s) that correspond to the practitioner recommendations on your certification.

4. Can I re-print a copy of the temporary registry ID card (i.e. if the original print was lost or rendered unusable)?

Yes. Log into your account, select "Health Applications," and then the "Medical Marijuana Data Management System." Click on the three white lines on the top-left side of the screen. Select the "My Temporary Card" option from the drop-down menu. Select the blue link to open. Print your temporary ID card.

5. Do my caregiver(s) also receive temporary registry ID cards?

Designated caregivers can also access a temporary registry ID card after completing their caregiver registration and being approved. The designated caregiver will follow the same steps as a patient to retrieve and print the temporary registry ID card. This does not apply to facilities that have been designated as a caregiver.

6. Can I print a temporary registry ID card for a patient I am a registered caregiver for?

Yes. Log into your account, select "Health Applications," and then the "Medical Marijuana Data Management System." Click on the three white lines on the top-left side of the screen. Select the "My Patient's Temporary Card" option from the drop-down menu. Select the blue link to open. Print your temporary ID card. If you are also the patient's proxy, you may need to select "Switch to Caregiver Portal" before this option will be available.

7. How does a designated caregiver facility obtain a temporary registry ID card?

Facilities who have submitted the required designated facility caregiver form to the Department, and whose registration as a facility caregiver has been approved, will be issued a registry ID card in the approval response sent via email. No temporary registry ID cards are issued for facility caregivers.

8. Why do I have to present a government issued photo ID when using my temporary ID card?

The temporary registry ID card will not contain your photo. Therefore, while you are waiting for your official card, the government-issued photo ID will act as a way to verify your identity when purchasing or possessing medical marijuana products with a temporary registry ID card.

9. What if the photo on my government-issued photo ID is not a true likeness of me?

The government-issued photo ID will provide a way to verify your identity when purchasing or possessing medical marijuana products with a temporary registry ID card. If the registered organization cannot confirm your identity using the government-issued photo ID provided, the registered organization may not dispense product to you.

10. What if my government-issued photo ID (i.e. passport) has expired?

Your identity may still be verified with an expired government-issued photo ID.

11. Does the temporary registry ID card still work even after I receive my official registry ID card?

The temporary ID card expires 30 days after the date of issue. The expiration date will be printed on your temporary registry ID card. You should receive your official registry ID card prior to the expiration of the temporary ID card. If you do not receive your official registry ID card within two weeks, please contact the Department at 1-844-863-9312 or to check on the status of your official registry ID card.

12. Do I need to get a new temporary ID card if dosing recommendations change between the time I get my temporary ID card and receiving the official ID card?

If your practitioner updates the dosing recommendations on the existing certification that you are actively registered with, you do not need to request a new temporary ID card. The registry ID card is linked to your registration, which is also linked to the certification. Any time you do receive a new certification number (PC1# in the top right corner of your certification form) you must re-register using your account in order to have an active registry ID card. If you need assistance with re-registering, please contact us at 1-844-863-9312.

13. What if my address is incorrect on my temporary ID card?

If your address is not correct on the temporary ID card, your registry ID card will also not have the correct address. Please log into your account, select Health Applications, and then the "Medical Marijuana Data Management System" link. You may request a new card by selecting "Update Information/Request New Card". Selecting "Address Change" as the reason. You will need to edit the address information provided and then upload acceptable proof of your current address (examples of proof include a lease agreement, utility bill, mortgage statement, NYS DMV ID) and submit the request to the Department for review. Once approved you will be able to access a new temporary ID card. A new registry ID card will be mailed to the provided address.

14. What if my registry ID card has not been received in the mail and my temporary ID card is expired?

Your registry ID card should be received within 10 business days from the date your temporary ID was issued. If necessary, log into your account, select "Health Applications," and then the "Medical Marijuana Data Management System" link. You may request a new card by selecting "Update Information/Request New Card." Confirm the mailing address is correct, and includes any applicable apartment numbers. If the address is correct, select "Lost Card" as the reason. If you need to edit the address, please select "Address Change" then edit the address information listed on the screen. You will then need to upload acceptable proof of your address (examples of proof include a lease agreement, utility bill, mortgage statement, NYS DMV ID), and submit. You will be able to access a new temporary ID card. A new registry ID card will be mailed to the provided address.

15. I do not have a printer to print the temporary registry ID card. Do I have to wait for my physical registry ID card to be received in the mail?


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